在石油里 & 天然气工业, key asset failure can have significant consequences that reach far beyond a loss in production. im体育APP’s failure analysis experts help you to understand the causes of asset failure, advise on remedial action and support you in any potential litigation you may face.


油的根本原因分析 & 天然气工业

我们的 故障分析服务 是由高素质的冶金师交付的吗, 化学家, 材料科学家, 工程师, 和技术人员. 我们是石油资产详细失效分析方面的专家 & 天然气工业. 例如管道分析, 钻井设备, 泵, 阀门, 并且密封件不存在材料缺陷, 骨折, 错误的热处理, 重载, 乏力, 腐蚀, 脆化, 环境破坏. 

故障是否会影响您的基础设施, our experts will work 与 you to determine the root cause of the failure and provide you 与 detailed insights and recommendations to prevent the failure from occurring again, 不管其最初的原因是什么.



我们的 experience covers a wide range of metallic and non-metallic materials and uses an extensive range of proven failure analysis techniques and applications. 我们的材料专长包括锻造, 铸造和粉末金属, 铸铁, 钢, 铝, 镍, 钛, 铜, 镁, 钼, 碳钢, 聚合物, 橡胶, 弹性体, 和复合材料. 

我们在材料选择和应用方面的专业知识的独特结合, 生产流程, 断裂力学, 服务环境可以对材料或产品产生影响, that enables im体育APP to rapidly deliver comprehensive answers to services’ failures and provide practical resolutions to future manufacturing challenges.

有关我们故障分析服务的更多信息或要求报价,请 立即im体育APP.

材料失效的原因各不相同, 但它们的断裂主要有四种模式:疲劳, 分裂, 酒窝破裂, 和脱粘破裂. 每一种模式都有自己的断裂特征.

  1. 疲劳断裂 是重复加载的结果吗. 裂纹在阶段I开始, 在第二阶段繁殖, 并在第三阶段达到包括分离在内的灾难性断裂. Fatigue striations observed generally in high cycle 乏力 align perpendicular to crack propagation direction.
  2. 分裂 低能骨折是完全平坦无特征的吗. 河流模式, 羽毛的标记, and chevron patterns are some of the features observed in 分裂 mode of 骨折.
  3. 酒窝破裂 当超载是失效的主要原因时,断裂的模式是什么. 微孔洞合并是韧窝破裂的特征.
  4. Decohesive破裂 发生时几乎没有塑性变形,并涉及原子键的减弱. 氢脆, 应力腐蚀开裂, 蠕变是脱粘破裂的一些例子.
im体育APP的专家采用了各种各样的 金相分析 services to determine the failure causes of parts, products, and engineering structures.

一种物质的组成影响着它的一切——它能持续多久, 它是多么强壮或灵活啊, 如何包装, 等. Investigative Chemistry is based on the idea that materials questions can be answered by examining the processes, 组件, 还有化学反应.

im体育APP’s investigative 化学家 possess a unique range of experience in consulting, 分析测试, 工业化学. 是否有日常的QA/QC协助, 材料验证, 或im体育APP分析,或非常规项目,如产品分解, 未知物质的鉴定, or the analysis of a failed part or product - we are prepared to work 与 you to explore solutions. im体育APP serves the 测试 needs of all types of industries and government agencies.

im体育APP performs 测试 and evaluation using the following techniques and onsite specialized equipment: 

神秘的污点或变色, 不明残留物或沉积物, or evidence of 腐蚀 on the surface of a part - those are often difficult and costly problems to solve.

im体育APP residue analysis experts are trained in techniques that can help you determine the nature of the beast and get to the bottom of unknown substances that can have a detrimental effect on your parts or products. 我们的 从事专家 use a combination of analysis techniques to characterize various types of residues. SEM/EDS (Scanning Electron Microscopy 与 能源 Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy) analysis is used to determine the elemental composition of the residue, 与 XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) sometimes used to identify specific compounds present. FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) is also sometimes used when residues appear to exhibit high levels of carbon or other low energy elements or are too thin to accurately analyze 与 the SEM/EDS system. 

W当需要进行更深入的分析时, 立体显微镜的结合, 扫描电镜分析, and metallurgical examination is used to characterize the residue as being on top of the surface (a deposit or stain) or being beneath the surface (a 腐蚀 product or inclusion 与in material).


聚合材料,如弹性体, 热塑性塑料, 复合材料广泛应用于石油部署的油田设备中 & 世界各地的天然气公司.

在弹性(橡胶)密封件的情况下, exposure in service to aggressive treatment chemicals and/or elevated temperatures and pressures can chemically and/or mechanically degrade the parts, 导致不可逆转的变化, 性能恶化, 以及组件最终的功能失效. The challenge is therefore to determine the root cause of failure so that preventative and corrective actions can be implemented to ensure that it does not happen again. im体育APP参与提供上游的故障分析服务, 中游, 下游应用包括:
  • 泵和阀门(球阀,蝶阀,泄压阀盖,流量控制)
  • 软管(燃油、节流/压井、取样、柴油) & 饮用水输送,脐带)
  • 钻井和生产设备(压缩机), 板式换热器, 封隔器, 防喷器, 海底和地面测试树, 衬垫衣架, 好拖拉机, 转动)
  • 天然气和化学加工用管道(涂料、衬垫)
我们的 proven failure analysis approach is to develop a thorough understanding of the failed component’s service environment by working 与 our clients to gather relevant data from the field, 如 
  • 部件位置和功能(工程图纸)
  • 材料类型和等级(数据表,部分标签)
  • 使用条件(流体、温度、压力、持续时间)
  • 设计条件(温度、压力、静态/动态)
  • 此组件或类似组件以前的问题
  • 损坏部件的法医检查和编目(显微镜,扫描电镜)
  • 部件测量(尺寸)
  • 材料特性(硬度、密度、力学)
  • 材料/流体类型分析(FTIR, NMR, GC-MS, TGA, DSC, XRD)
  • Material-fluid compatibility assessment (fluid exposure vessels; ovens)
  • 加工方便检查和提取试样(车床,锯,数控)

Legal and insurance firms need expert witnesses to provide testimony 与 a high level of service, 精准与专业. 通过我们的专家团队, im体育APP offers materials science and engineering litigation services to a wide range of industries, 包括航空航天, 产品制造, 生物医学和医疗设备, 汽车, 石油 & 天然气、建筑等等.

im体育APP科学家和工程师拥有多年的经验, 高级学位, 以及包括材料科学在内的许多分支学科的认证 & 工程, 机械工程, 化学工程, 高分子科学, 冶金工程, 焊接, 和腐蚀. 支持我们的法律和保险调查, 我们的实验室使用非常先进的分析仪器, 如 state-of-the-art Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) equipped 与 ultrathin window 能源 Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) systems, 差示扫描量热法(DSC), 傅立叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)用于分子分析. We have established chain-of-evidence procedures and locked legal storage to properly handle evidence in accordance 与 established standards (e.g., ASTM标准规程E860, E1188和E1492).


  • 检测缺陷或滥用的证据
  • 决定材料的物理、机械或化学性质的
  • 协助代位求偿
  • 制定精确的证据分析协议
  • 确定规范遵从性
  • 评估专利侵权
  • 回应道伯特的挑战
  • 提供详细而令人信服的证词和庭审证词
  • 先进的仪器和合格的专业知识
我们为个人或团体的法律和保险客户提供服务, 包括诉讼双方共同对原告和被告进行调查. 我们的工程师还与其他外部工程专家协调测试, 测试, 支持公司.


This on-demand webinar provides real-life case studies and gives answers to questions, 包括导致组件失效的原因? How do I conduct a failure investigation, and how can I prevent failure from occurring?



im体育APP’s experts for Failure Analysis in the 能源 industry explain during the on-demand webinar how Failure Analysis is being performed, 它的好处是提供来自世界各地的真实案例研究. 



This free white paper includes an extensive case study of the failure analysis of a 12-inch diameter Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) coated steel pipe that showed blistering of the coating and 腐蚀 on the surface.



石油 & 气体测试服务

石油 & 气体

im体育APP's global platform of laboratories offers advanced services designed to test and qualify materials intended for use 与in the environments of the future.

腐蚀试验640 x480


Find out about im体育APPs extensive 腐蚀 测试 expertise in the 能源 industry across a global network of laboratories.



我们提供世界一流的聚合物材料专业知识, 弹性体, 热塑性塑料, 复合材料和结构粘合剂.


油的焊接试验 & 天然气im体育平台app下载

im体育APP offers weld 测试 services to simulate conditions for welds and offshore 组件 and their behavior in the field, 包括温度升高, 更高的压力, 腐蚀条件下, 深水环境.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.